Preschool - Transitional Kindergarten Curriculum
Our program is planned to help each child observe, question, participate, and listen, thereby providing the child with a wide variety of learning experiences. The developmental process includes an open-ended curriculum, which is child-centered and follows the natural development and sequence of learning within a warm and supportive environment. It provides a balance of activities in the following areas: Indoor/outdoor, active/quiet, individual/small group/whole group, large/small motor skills, child initiated/teacher initiated.
Saint Jeanne’s teachers use the California Preschool Learning Foundations and Framework to help define a curriculum that integrates all the developmental domains in a way that is developmentally, culturally, and linguistically appropriate.
- Weekly Gospel
- Scripture (Loyola Press)
- Bible Supplemental Books
- Lives of the Saints
- Commandments
- Seasonal celebrations
- Number and Operations
- Patterns
- Geometry and Spatial Sense
- Measurement
- Classification and Data Collection
Language and Early Literacy Development
- Listening Comprehension
- Speech Production and Speech Discrimination
- Vocabulary
- Verbal Expression
- Phonological Awareness Print and Book Awareness
- Letter Knowledge and Early Word Recognition
- Motivation to Read
- Developing Knowledge of Literary Forms
Science (Scott-Foresman)
- Science Processes
- Science Concepts
Social Studies
- Individual, Culture, and Community
- History
- Geography
- Economics
Fine Arts
- Art
- Music
- Dramatic Play
Health and Safety
- Developing personal boundaries
- Learning basic safety rules and precautions
- Developing healthy habits
- Learning safety measures in classroom.
Personal and Social Development
- Developing personal hygiene
- Developing personal interaction with adults and peers
Physical Development
- Physical Movement (SPARK)
- Gross-Motor Development
- Fine-Motor Development
Recognizing that play is essential to learning, our curriculum is designed whereby children involve themselves in organized or independent activities, which enhance learning through play.
Learning Centers
Block Center - This area provides space for imaginary play using blocks, small toys and vehicles for building and acting out fantasies. This play encourages cooperation, problem-solving, math/science skills and language skills.
Group Area - This is where the children come together to hear stories, sing songs, play instruments and games and talk about events important to them.
Dramatic Play - Play in this center promotes creativity and provides a healthy outlet for fantasy and role play. A great deal of social interaction and learning also goes on here. Children use a variety of props to support their imaginations.
Manipulative - This center contains many opportunities for individual skill building. Games, puzzles and small manipulative toys develop thinking and problem solving skills. All these materials promote fine motor development, as well as encourage small group work.
Art Center - The teachers provide daily art activities, which allow the children to freely explore materials such as: paper, crayons, markers, sticky tape, glue, scissors, paint, etc. Children are also encouraged to use the easel. Creativity, self-expression and a variety of motor skills are nurtured in this center along with the feeling that art is for individual pleasure and there is no right or wrong.
Writing Center - This center is equipped with a variety of paper, envelopes, crayons, markers, pencils and pens. Children are encouraged to express themselves through writing in whatever form it takes at their particular stage of development.
Book Center - The reading area is furnished with a carpet, stuffed animals, bean bags, for comfort. It is a cozy place for children to quietly curl up with a good book or two.
Science Center - This area encourages experimentation, careful observation curiosity and questions. Natural science displays and the use of scientific equipment such as magnets and magnifying glasses support both formal and informal learning