Elementary School Curriculum
Saint Jeanne de Lestonnac is by the Western Catholic Education Association, the State Department of Education, and the Western Association of Schools and Colleges. Our Preschool/Prekindergarten is licensed by the State of California, Community Care Licensing Department.
Saint Jeanne de Lestonnac Catholic School offers its students opportunities in the following subjects:
- Art - Arts Attack
- *English Pearson's Reading Street
- Handwriting Zaner Bloser Handwriting
- **Mathematics Singapore Math
- Music - Weekly Music class learning elements and history of music
- Physical Education SPARK PE
- *Reading/Literature Pearson’sReading Street
- Religion Benzinger - Reading Street
- Science Science Alive
- Social Studies TCI - Social Studies Alive!
- Spanish Rosetta Stone Foundational Program
- *Spelling
- *Writing - Step Up To Writing
- Computer Science
- Character Education
*In grades K – 5, we have implemented Pearson’s Reading Street Curriculum which prioritizes effective strategies of instruction to support higher levels of reading and writing skills. The program provides accessible rigor while increasing the text complexity in reading a balance of appropriate fiction and informational texts. The curriculum contains resources for foundational phonemic awareness, reading fluency, building up of content-area knowledge, as well as the emphasis on close reading (reading analysis), for a higher level of comprehension. It integrates media and 21st century skills and also incorporates a daily focus on writing skills highlighting informative/explanatory, argumentative/opinion, and narrative writing.
As an enhancement to the Language Arts Program the school has also administered the Accelerated Reader Program, Reading A-Z, and Razz Kidz programs which are all designed to provide the students with other opportunities to improve their reading fluency and reading comprehension, as well as expand their vocabulary.
In the area of writing, grades K-8 have also implemented the Step Up to Writing Curriculum which is a rigorous, comprehensive resource of writing strategies that develop the students’ ability to create thoughtful, well-written compositions. This program focuses on the complete writing process and provides instruction to teach each phase of writing.
**Saint Jeanne’s also provides enrichment in the area of mathematics. The school levels the math classes in grades 3-8 (grade level, accelerated, and advanced) in an effort to better meet the needs of the students. St. Jeanne’s has implemented the Accelerated Math Program in grades 1-8 to improve student’s proficiency in various math skills/objectives. In addition, students in grades 3-8 also have the opportunity to take part in an after school Math Support Program which provides additional instruction and support.